Why subscribe to our 1782Farm.com channels?
Welcome Herbal Sherpas!
We support farm, ranch and many other types of agriculture enterprises to become more efficient and scale their operations, globally.
We’re excited to have you join our 1782Farm.com and Simples & Worts Herbal Apothecary community. Your support helps us to provide a new, progressive and fun form of independent agriculture journalism.
Here, in our herbal magazine-style format… we jointly explore, grow, produce, assess and share a wide range of herbal topical content, activities, products, services, educational curricula, certification courses, crafting classes, herbal recipes, discussion threads, podcasts and much, much more!
Key to Our Educational Channels
Track #1; Living an Herbal Lifestyle With You!
Track #2; Market Garden / Pro Farming
Track #3; Herbal & Farm Product Development
Track #4; Green Energy, Homesteading and Permaculture
Track #5; Lost Arts Compendium
Track #6; Outrageous Outdoor Eating Events (O.O.E.E.)
As a paying subscriber, you’re helping us make independent agriculture journalism what it is today. This includes education and consulting leadership, guidance and support for enabling today’s farmers, ranchers and many other agri-businesses with financial, process and best practice guidance.
Your support allows us to lead, guide and support farms around the world with best practices and process guidance in order to save and scale them!
By subscribing with us, for free, you will receive…
Our Simples and Worts Herbal Apothecary Magazine content… plus, in exchange, we give you 5 FREE Rewards, as our sincere “Thank you!”.
These 5 rewards are as follows:
1. Herbal Subscription #1 - Our FREE annual recurring subscription package to our Living an Herbal Lifestyle With You! community. This subscription includes our Herbal Magazine content, news and educational updates which span podcasts, threaded discussion forums, webinars, meet-ups and much more! This subscription offers you a chance to share your thoughts, findings, ideas and feedback, interactively, with our Herbal – Farm – Ranch and Other community members.
2. Herbal Reference Cheat Sheet - Our FREE download is a .pdf-formatted document, entitled... The Herbal Sherpa's Reference Sheet and Program Guide... provides a listing of the "herbal landscape" of Communities of Interest (COI's) and Communities of Practice (COP's) which you will use to create your Herbal, Farm or Other Journey Roadmap.
3. Herbal Lifestyle On-Boarding Course – Our FREE Herbal Community On-boarding Course with 5 lessons and in-depth exercises.
4. Launchpad Journey Roadmap – Our FREE download .pdf formatted document entitled; The Global Sherpa Network’s 9-stage Launchpad Journey Roadmap and Maturity Model for moving from a Newbie or Novice Practitioner role to an Advanced Practitioner role; Apprentice, Journey Woman / Man, Master, Master T3, Business Architect Master, Technology Change / Human Change Master, Business Process Engineering Master.
5. Herbal Subscription #2 - Our FREE annual recurring subscription package to our Lost Arts Compendium community. We share with you highly fun and exciting educational opportunities to visit historic farms and agricultural museums. You will also learn about herbal lore in a living history setting and a host of lost and endangered arts. This subscription offers you a chance to share your thoughts, findings, ideas and feedback, interactively, with our Lost Arts Compendium and other community members.
Note that we highly respect your e-mail address and other information and
will never sell your info, nor spam you. We want each of our posts to offer you new ideas and valuable insight!
Our Simples & Worts Herbal Apothecary focus…
We have been cultivating, processing and selling herbal plants and products, here in Massachusetts, for over 20 years. This includes our passion for designing and delivering educational courses as well as farm, ranch and orchardist training. We are major proponents of holistic farm management, regenerative agriculture and several other stand-out farm and ranch methodologies for pro's, as mentioned below.
6 Educational “Tracks”, or Channels, For Community… Cross-Pollination!
We offer both free and fee-based channels, or tracks, which you might be interested in subscribing to when we launch them later this year, and next. Some are for Newbies and Novices, while others are for Professionals, or for those Apprentices and Journey-people interested in getting into a Pro-level career orientation or achieve a certification:
Track #1; Living an Herbal Lifestyle with You! - Free
The free weekly content from our Living an Herbal Lifestyle with You! channel spans the herbal categories listed below. We will keep things interesting with a wonderful and compelling educational mix of herbal topics, news and community interactions.
We encourage you to enjoy the ride as we, collectively, guide our life journeys across a range of “Herbal Lifestyle Dimensions” spanning these categories:
Herb-related careers and certifications
Herbal history, lore and legend
Herbs and of domestic use
Herb research and scientific applications
Herb and plant cultivation, nursery management and “liner business models”
Colonial “potagers”, herb gardens and the lost art of “market gardening”
Herbs as core plantings in your edible landscaping plans
Medicinal and wellness applications
Herbs, spices and their culinary applications
Herbal scent and aromatherapy applications
Herbal art and botanical illustration
Mind, body and spirituality
Herbal decorations and decor
Herbal crafting and gift-making
Herbal community meet-ups, clubs and entertaining
Herbal storytelling topics as a part of living history farms and agricultural museums
Herbs and homesteading
Herbal rejuvenation, health and beauty
Herbal Other?
Track #2; Herbal Market Gardening - $5/mo.
The fee-based monthly content from our Herbal Market Gardening channel centers on our professional experience with herbal plant cultivation practices, products and knowledge. We look forward to sharing our herbal market gardening business history which spans over 20 years of experience and which leverages our historic and more modern farming sites for our herbal farming and lifestyle connections.
We share our experience with the leading market gardening methodologies such as Square Foot Gardening, SPIN farming and others which can significantly boost your farm’s revenue. We will also infuse our market gardening content with team-building techniques and collaborative strategies such as best processes and practices, requirements management, risk management, knowledge management and operational systems.
We are not stuck, solely, on the tenets of historic market gardening. We also love the newest thought leadership associated with soil sciences and the more advanced regenerative agriculture farming concepts of Permaculture…
Organic / Ecological Farming
Holistic Resource Management
Square Foot Gardening
Vertical Farming
SPIN (Small Plot INtensive) Farming
No Till Farming
Tissue Culturing
Organic Vegetable Farming
Track #3; Herbal Art Collectors Series - Free
The fee-based monthly content from our historic Herbal Art Collector Series channel includes a featured “Simples and Worts” herbal plant image, each month, which you can purchase as a fine wall art work. Each hand-colored herbal plant image is both graceful and historically relevant. We also include a separate file which describes the featured herb.
As a subscriber, you have the opportunity to purchase an herbal wall art as single canvas, or as a collections of canvases. Each herbal wall art image comes in two forms; either an historic-looking wood block print form from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, or in an alternative, more modern-looking, herbal image.
We will be starting with common and well-loved herbs such as Lavender, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. You will be our Herbal Community Insiders who get first shot at collecting herbal art for your walls as well as herbal art which will be offered in other product forms, going forward.
Track #4; Green Energy and Homesteading - $5/mo.
The fee-based monthly content from our Green Energy and Homesteading channel spans our experience with restoring both an existing farm and building a new residence. We visit core homesteading topics such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, waste management, water conservation, financial considerations and problem-solving and trouble-shooting.
We want to empower homesteaders to embrace sustainable living practices, adopt green energy solutions, and maximize the environmental and financial benefits of their homesteading endeavors. They can provide knowledge, guidance, and support, ultimately helping homesteaders create more resilient and sustainable lifestyles.
Track #5; Lost Arts Compendium - Free
The free monthly content from our Lost Arts Compendium channel covers our favorite lost and endangered arts. A lost art refers to a skill, craft, or practice that was once commonly known and practiced but has gradually declined or disappeared over time. It often implies that the knowledge or expertise associated with that particular art form has been lost or is no longer widely practiced.
Track #6; O.O.E.E. - $5/mo.
The fee-based monthly content from our “Outrageous Outdoor Eating Events” (OOEE) channel covers large-scale food party and event entertaining with a focus on exciting and highly differentiated themes from around North America and the world at large.
Are you ready to take your backyard grilling and barbeque game to the next level? Are you a professional caterer seeking inspiration to elevate your business? Look no further! We present to you the ultimate food event entertainment series: O.O.E.E. – Outrageous Outdoor Eating Events! Join us for an unforgettable experience of culinary delights, entertainment, and community celebration!
Background Story
Have ever wondered why you have an affinity to the world of herbal plants, herbalism practices, cultivation of plants and making of herbal products? Then, you may have what I call the "herbal itch"!
I want to take you through my herbal lifestyle journey and tell you how my love of herbal lore, my passion for cooking, crafting, gift-making, led me to a surprising end-goal.
Ultimately, I have ended up being a business transformation specialist in educating others (which we call “Sherpas”) in transforming farm, ranch and other agricultural best practices and processes.
My way of giving back is to help Business Leaders, Community Managers, Consultants, Educators, Mentors, Coaches, Benefactors and Patrons in revamping / reengineering farm / ranch businesses that need to transform, or perish!
My global team of Herbal, Farm, Ranch and Other Sherpa’s are helping to transform business in order to achieve outstanding outcomes. We are active and committed members of the following organizations, natural health professionals, partners, founders and sponsors:
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
American Herbalists Guild
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
American Herbal Products Association
Institute of Women’s Health and Integrative Medicine
Naturopathic Education and Research Consortium
United Plant Savers
And many other Partners, Founders, and Sponsors!
Thank You!
In summary, thank you for your consideration in joining us. We're excited with the cross-pollination and interchange, which takes place, daily, on our Substack channels. We hope that you’ll cross-pollinate, mingle and collaborate with us!
ENJOY, your herbal wellness journey… and get ready to look, feel and smell your very best!
Phil & Beth Wilson,
Managing Directors
Simples & Worts Herbal Apothecary
and Wellness Gift Shop
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Note that we highly respect your e-mail address and other information and
will never sell your info, nor spam you. We want each of our posts to offer you new ideas and valuable insight!